FABS Rescue does not operate an animal shelter facility, rather, we are a 100% foster-based rescue that provides temporary homes for rescue dogs and cats through our foster program. During the transition period from shelter to foster home, a rescue dog or cat recovers from the stress of an animal shelter or losing their previous home and prepares them for a new life with a loving family. A soft bed to rest on, a gentle hand to offer comfort, a safe place during this stressful time--our foster homes are a stable environment that provide all of this and more.
The work of a foster is both challenging and rewarding. Most dogs and cats long for companionship and affection. Big changes, isolation, and an uncertain future can cause anxiety for these dogs and cats. When a dog or cat is pulled from a shelter, he or she may need medical attention, socialization or basic training. Sometimes a rescue dog is malnourished, underweight or overweight; however, most dogs are resilient, eager to learn, enjoy exercise and bond to their person - your foster dog will remember you for the rest of his or her life. Rescue cats often have the same circumstances and don't do well in a shelter environment. Oftentimes these cats just need the reassurance and stability that the love and care in a foster home provides to help them flourish and trust again.
Do you have extra room in your home to foster a dog or cat? Are you thinking about getting a dog or cat but perhaps you're not ready to commit to a 12-15 year lifespan? Fostering could be right for you!
We greatly appreciate our foster parents, but we also understand that being a foster parent is not for everyone. It’s a very serious responsibility! If you are interested in being a foster parent for FABS Rescue, please fill out a Cat Foster Application or a Dog Foster Application.
FAQ: What are the financial responsibilities?
While in foster care, we cover all necessary or required veterinary care at our approved vets. Any care at a non-partner vet must be approved in advance or it may be denied. We are a registered 501c3 organization, so purchases made by fosters for the care of their foster animals are usually tax deductible as long as we have receipts. For all foster dogs we provide a leash and collar; other supplies initially required to prepare for the arrival of your foster dog may also be provided based upon need or request. In some cases, and upon request, we may be able to loan or offer a crate. We may provide food, litter, toys, etc. for cats/kittens based upon request. Our cat fosters generally purchase the necessary supplies themselves then submit receipts to us at the end of the year for a donation letter so they can deduct the donation from their taxes.
What should I consider if I currently have pets?
Precaution, patience and care should always be exercised when introducing a foster to resident pets. We require that resident pets are spayed/neutered and current on their vaccinations, so as long as they are not immune compromised, then the health risk should be minimal. Please let us know if you need help or guidance with proper introductions.
How long will the animal(s) be in my home?
It depends on the situation. The average stay in a foster home can range from a few weeks to a few months. We prefer that foster parents continue fostering until we find a permanent home for their foster animal; however, we understand that situations change and it may become necessary to transfer the animal to another foster home. We request that a foster parent provide as much notice as possible so that we can find an alternative foster home.
What training is provided? Do I need to have prior experience or medical knowledge?
We are a very small operation so we do not have formal training but someone will be available by phone or text to help guide you through and answer any questions as they come up. We will provide all information about the animal that we have, including a vaccine schedule, medications, any special needs or problems due to experiences before they reached our rescue. Please note: unanticipated problems may occur because owners sometimes omit information when they surrender an animal, and of course we have no information on animals that come in as strays other than what was observed at the shelter.
What happens if we decide we want to keep our foster dog/cat?
This is not uncommon and is lovingly termed a “foster fail”. When this happens, and when the foster home is a good fit for the dog or cat, first priority to adopt is usually given to the foster. As our priority is finding the best/most ideal forever home for any dog or cat, any/all adoptions (even by foster parents) must meet the requirements necessary for adoption. Paperwork is required and our regular adoption fees usually apply.

We are a 100% foster-based rescue, which means we cannot rescue an animal unless we have a foster home to place them. Fosters help prepare rescue dogs and cats in need of some extra love for their forever homes. Foster care is the most crucial, yet scarcest, ingredient in rescue. Fosters provide the invaluable love and care that a dog or cat needs in the transition period from rescue to adoption. Foster parents temporarily provide food, care and shelter for rescue dogs or cats until a forever home can be found. In general, you do everything for a foster animal that you would do if they were your personal pet, including but not limited to:
Provide a safe, secure, loving and stable home environment
Provide food, water, medical and/or transportation to/from veterinary care at our approved vets
Administer medications, if necessary
Socialize your foster with other people and dogs (and cats/other pets in the home, if temperament allows)
Teach basic obedience skills & commands
Learn about and assess temperament, character and abilities to help choose the best home for the dog
Take pictures and videos for the adoption listing
Have a separate "safe room" with food, water, litter box and toys; this provides quiet and safety while getting used to new surroundings
Socialize and spend as much time as possible with the cat/kittens as each day playing, handling and petting so they become comfortable with human interaction. If/when healthy, may also socialize with resident cats/dogs/other animals in the home so they are well acclimated to a wide range of potential home/family situations or dynamics.
Evaluate personality/temperament and provide recommendations for the ideal forever home. Take pictures and videos for the adoption listing to help showcase personalities for potential adopters.
Help make a difference and sign up to foster or volunteer today!
Email us at fabsrescue@gmail.com or send us a message through our Facebook page to learn more about fostering, or about ways you can help us save lives. One of our volunteers will contact you to answer your questions or to discuss potential opportunities to volunteer your time.